Choosing the perfect windows for your home is about more than aesthetics. The right window style not only enhances your home’s interior design but also impacts energy efficiency, natural light, and even your mental health. At Knight Doors & ...

How to Add Privacy to Your Patio Doors Without Sacrificing Style
Patio doors are the perfect gateway to your backyard oasis, allowing natural light to flood your home and offering a seamless connection between indoor and outdoor living spaces. However, while they’re excellent for creating an open, airy feel, they ...

Weatherproof Entry Doors: Keeping Your Home Protected in All Seasons
Living in Edmonton, Alberta means experiencing a full spectrum of seasons including bone-chilling winters to sweltering summer days, and everything in between. Your entry door plays a crucial role in maintaining your home’s comfort and energy efficiency throughout the ...

5 Signs Your Overhead Door Needs Professional Repair
Edmonton winters are not for the faint of heart. With temperatures often dipping well below freezing and snowfall blanketing the region for months, your garage door becomes more than just a convenience, it’s a crucial barrier protecting your home, ...

Insulating Windows for Extreme Weather: What You Need to Know
When it comes to surviving the cold winters of Alberta, especially here in Edmonton and surrounding areas, there’s no room for taking shortcuts. From sub-zero temperatures to winds that can freeze your breath mid-air, winter in our part of ...

Winter: The Perfect Season for Home Improvements
In Alberta, winter’s arrival often feels like flipping a switch. One day, we’re enjoying a crisp fall walk in Whitemud Park, and the next, we’re digging out the heavy-duty snow gear. With snow about to fall and temperatures dropping, ...

Chill-Proof Your Home: Essential Steps to Winterize Doors and Windows
Essential Steps to Winterize Doors and Windows
Welcome, dear readers, to our guide on winterizing your home—your key to a cozy and comfortable winter season. As the temperatures drop, it’s time to ensure that your home becomes a warm ...

Choosing the Right Door Knob: Enhancing Functionality and Style
When it comes to home design, the small details matter. One such detail that often goes unnoticed but plays a crucial role in both functionality and aesthetics is the humble door knob. A door knob serves as a gateway ...

A Guide to Different Types of Window Frames
Window frames are an essential component of any window system. They provide structural support, hold the glass in place, and help to keep the elements out. A well-designed and properly installed window frame can improve the energy efficiency of ...

10 Reasons to Install New Doors and Windows in Your Home
When was the last time you updated your windows? If it has been too long, then now is the perfect time to think about installing new ones. Windows are often overlooked when people make renovations to their homes, but ...